Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Miami Beach fun and fishing

What better place is there to get out and get over your Winter Blues than in Miami Beach, Fl.  Winter months in South Florida are fantastic.  The air is cool and the humidity is literally non-existent.  Hotels are welcoming and restaurants put out there finest linens to welcome droves of happy tourist looking to escape "Old man Winter".  After a day or two out and about having done everything on your MUST DO IN MIAMI BEACH list you find yourself wondering, "...what else is there?".  Miami Beach is jammed packed with exciting things to do, but there are other activities commonly overlooked, like Miami Beach fishing charters.  Miami Beach is known as the sun and fun capital of the world so why not include a day out on a Miami Beach fishing charter boat? Yeah! There are fishing boats in Miami Beach that dedicate themselves to just taking customers out to fish.

Travelers are lured to Miami Beach with pictures of toned and tanned bodies covering every inch of sand on the beach, or endless rows of nightclubs packed with people ready to have a good time.  Well the fun doesn't end at the waters edge.  Miami and Miami Beach have roots in fishing that go back thousands of years long before Miami Beach had its name.  "Miyami" the native Indian term for Miami meaning "Big water" was settled by Tequesta Indians along the Miami River banks.  They thrived for thousands of years on fishing and trading along the waters edge.  Yet with advancing technology and the age of television people have taken a back seat to sport fishing.  Glamorized television ads and programs show professionally dressed anglers on expensive boats that lead one to think this is what you have to have in order to catch fish or have fun.  Fishing, like any sport involving nature is calming and exciting and does not have to include thousands of dollars.  Chartering a fishing boat in Miami Beach while on vacation is fun and affordable.  Miami Beach fishing charter boats like JUMANJI are available for charter everyday at an affordable price.  Take your family and friends on a fishing trip for an amazing experience out at sea. 

Everyone is familiar with all the romanticism surrounding novels like "The old man and the sea" by Ernest Hemingway but never experience those same moments for themselves.  There is no comparing to the tranquility and excitement that comes from the sea or fighting a fish.  Taking young children along will leave a lasting impression that they will cherish forever.  Fishing is not all about the fancy shots you see on TV.  Fishing Miami Beach is about getting out on the water to experience a whole other world, one that is not phased by targeted advertising or the latest reality television show.  I doubt the fish care about whether or not "Snooki" went to jail.  It's about getting out there and trying something new, about sharing moments with the people you care most about, about going up against an acrobatic Sailfish and posting those pictures on Facebook.  Ok, so maybe technology isn't that bad after all.